Sunday 9 October 2011

Today was Sunday; the day I see my father. Today was no different. He gave an extremely stern look to me when I answered the door and a mini argument began within the first 5 minutes of seeing one another. I was surprised my grandmother stood up for me and Josh. It made me feel warm inside to know she was thinking of us. Dad and I don't usually argue at all, in fact we never did until I brought up Josh.

My dad took me to a small cafe and had lunch. I spoke most of the time about my plans, where I plan to go, what I'm doing with money etc. He seemed kind of relieved that I knew what I was talking about. I kept a smile on my face as I spoke to him, I think I even saw him slightly smile at my enthusiasm. He is a lot calmer then he was when he found out I was leaving, but since buying the tickets he tries to talk and not raise his voice at me. I'm kind of glad though. haha.

When we got back to my fathers he rang Josh's dad for the first time. (Which was planned earlier that morning). My dad and him talked for about ten minutes. I only heard a bit of my father's side of the conversation because I had two phone calls in between from both my jobs. The bits and pieces I heard from the conversation were things like "I am just worried I hope you can understand that and why I am.." "Please take good care of her, if anything goes wrong I have a cousin who lives five minutes from you.." "This has all came as a bit of a shock to me but we'll let this play out and see what happens whether it's good or bad.." And many many other things which I won't drag on about.

After he got off the phone dad looked at me and said "Alright Audrey, I won't worry anymore, not until you get there. Promise me when you get there you will ring me right away. Please." I smiled a huge grin and said "I promise." I think deep inside he still worries but he's extremely caring and doesn't want me to stress anymore than I was last week. I worry most about my step mother though.. She is an extremely strict woman who I have never been able to get along with. She comes back from her holiday in Albania this week... (I can't give the exact date because my sister is trying to keep her arrival a secret!). However like Josh has told me: "She has nothing to do with this." So I guess, maybe that's what I'll tell her if she gets involved..

Dad took me back home where I had a small skype chat about what had happened. Josh seemed amused by it all but was glad my dad was finally going to give me air to breathe. My grandmother came in and asked how everything went, we had a quick chat about it. Then she smiled, pointed at the computer and said "is that Josh?" (We were on Skype). I nodded and she asked "Can I talk to him???" "Well Josh, want to talk to my grandma?" I said to Josh. "Yea sure." He replied. I gave the headset to my grandmother. It was funny watching the two, I didn't catch what either said except for "Make sure you look after her." They got along well for their first chat, which was another load off my back!

My grandmother offered me her suitcase, although I still had a red one that my mum had given me exactly for America. I put the two up next to each other, I'm still uncertain which one I should take. The red one is bigger, however the other one is very neat and pretty. Hm..

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad they're more accepting. ^^ The days are flying by now!
