Tuesday 1 November 2011

My first fortnight in USA!

Oh God have I been slack with updating everything that has been happening/happened! I am here! I arrived, on time, in one piece. In this post I will be updating about 100% everything, feel free to flick through this, or if you're interested read the whole thing, I don't really mind at all. There will be subheadings for your ease :P Because let's face it.. this WILL be long.

The Trip
7495 miles away (12062.0333 kilometers), 13hrs and 30mins to get there, was I in for a long ride or what!? The anxious feeling in my stomach as I entered the airport, in fact the anxious feeling through the whole entire 13+hrs and more..

After rushing to the plane from my home town to Sydney (usually a 1hr 30min trip) it took me a good 4hrs with the traffic. I was biting my lip, biting my nails, stressssssss. So many horrible things running through my mind! I made it to the airport on time suprsingly. After parting from my father and my step mum both looking worried but in a way proud to let me go. (I really am not too sure..) I got onto my plane and found my seat. Looking out the window I realize, wow I'm leaving Australia. I'm really going. Oh my God!!!

On the plane I got a total 3 hours of sleep, infact the night before I made sure to stay up with Josh so I'd be able to fall asleep on the plane at ease. Obviously my excitement and anxiousness got the better of me. I got a LOT of plane sickness on the plane, thankfully no puking! However I could not sit still and had to stand up multiple times. I decided to talk to one of the flight attendants which led me to meeting the whole entire crew (minus the pilots and co-pilots, captain etc.) They liked me so much they decided that I would make a great flight attendant myself so they gave me their apron.

After what felt like days, I continued watching the small screen on the back of the chair in front of me. Counting down the miles and watching the small plane icon get closer and closer to California. I felt like screaming at the pilot to go faster but held my tongue. As I hear the captain tell everyone on the plane we were five minutes away I took my eyes of the screen and had a look out the window and there I saw possibly the most beautiful sunrise I'd ever seen. Although my tiny camera couldn't capture just how beautiful it really was.

On coming down we went across a huge freeway, it was still very dark so all the cars had their lights on.. but WOW, I had never seen so many cars in one place. There was I think five lanes on either side? All completely filled to as far as I could see. Immediately I started smiling, I was not in tiny little Australia anymore. Nope! I was in a country where I knew nobody (well but Josh) I kind of clicked then, oh God this is the most riskiest thing I've ever done!!! But I kept my cool, and continued smiling as we came on down. God the weather was terrible though, fairly cold and very foggy.

I'm assuming everyone will read this section aha :P As I walked off the plane I was shaking but I ran as fast as I could. I wasn't sure why, I think it was because I really wanted to see Josh but at the same time I really needed the bathroom ahaha Anyway! After getting out of the bathroom I waited in the line for customs for about an hour. This was the most nerve racking part of the trip, the chance that if I said the wrong thing they could send me home in an instant. I kept my cool. On looking at the 7 or so people that were there in customs I was thinking to myself "Please let me go to the guy who looks like Santa and is smiling a lot, pleaseeeeeee". In the end I ended up with the most angry looking guy there. Gulp.

"The purpose of your trip here?" he mumbled. "A holiday to visit friends and family" I replied. "It's a pretty long trip just for a holiday, what do you plan on doing here?" he gave me a suspicious look. "Disney Land, San Francisco, Big Bear, Hollywood and Vegas are the places I plan to be going." He shrugged and told me to scan my fingers on the screen (to take fingerprints) and took a photo of me. "Go on through" he grunted. I breathed a sigh of relief, the hardest part was over.

I grabbed my bags went past second customs (I don't really know what the second part was) Luckily I got the nicest guy who was all like "enjoy you trip to America Audrey" :D After I got through everyone I ran as fast as I could with a huge trolley of bags. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Was exactly what I was thinking. Josh is in this building! He's waiting for me! He's here! I'm here! Oh my GODDDD. As I got to the waiting area I saw about twenty or so people looking down from above me. I was so scared to look up, but did anyway, because lets face it I have to see him lmao. "Hiii Audrey" said an older mans voice from above. I almost froze, oh my God. Don't tell me.... I look up and see an old man smiling.. Assuming the man was Josh's dad I asked "Where's Josh?" and behind him stood a boy just a little taller than myself. Dressed up holding a rose and a box of chocolates. He put both hands in the air and said "Here!!!" I smiled a huge grin and ran towards him and hugged him. As we let go I felt myself just fall right back into the hug. I was so so happy. (I'm sorry to say I have no pictures of us meeting because well, that's weird for me to take my camera out LOL and also Josh's dad was planning to but his camera was not working.)

My heart was beating soo fast, both Josh and his dad took my bags and Josh looked at me and said "How was your trip?" I paused for a second and within that second my brain was screaming AWE! HIS ACCENT IS STRONGER OMG ASJADJAJSDAJ. (yea it screamed the spam letters too) "It was okay, really long, I was a little sick but I'm okay.. now." He looked at me and smiled "You're accent is stronger." he giggled. "Yours too." I shyly replied with a smile. It was so surreal being with him. In person he was exactly how I'd always seen him. He did not look different, the only shocks were his accent and that he was only a teenie bit taller than me. But both of these things did not bother me what so ever.

Day 1
His dad Stephen was/is so sweet. He made sure we'd sit together in the back seat and constantly smiled at us. We went off to a cafe for breakfast, picking up Josh's sister Kayley along the way. I forced myself to have breakfast since I'd already eaten so much on the plane. I had scrambled eggs and tomato pieces with orange juice. The orange juice was extremely sweet! I didn't enjoy that so much but just having breakfast in a different country was already just unimaginable, yet I was doing it.

Stephen asked us what we wanted to do for the rest of the day, I told him I wasn't too up to being a tourist for the day because I had next to no sleep, as did Josh. Turns out he also couldn't sleep the night before even though he stayed up with me. So Stephen dropped us off to Josh's home. Josh showed me around the home and then sat down with me. I stared into his eyes and wasn't even sure if what I was seeing was real or not anymore, I really didn't care. We smiled and talked for hours. At one stage I think we even fell asleep together for a few hours.

When Josh's mum Sible came home I introduced myself to her. To be honest I'm trying to think back to the first day after meeting his mum and I just blank. I know how shy I was but by the second day we were quite close and his accent became normal to me again.

Going Out to Malls
That's pretty much what we did the first week. It was fun though! I spent a good $300 at Hot Topic. I was in awe at all the cute clothes! We don't have the shop in Australia so I had a LOT of fun shopping. I unfortunately haven't taken pictures of them because I just didn't think it was important, although now I wish I did!

We have eaten out A LOT. I must say American food is sooo yummy. I can't get enough :3 I've had Arizonas EVERY DAY. asdjka 1$ a can? Amazing. As for snacks Josh is the one who gets most but I always have what he has.

Sible does cook for us quite often but we have shared a few dates together eating out at nice places. Infact yesterday we went out to see Puss In Boots 3D and had dinner at quite a nice restaurant. We shared our main meals between us and a soup as well. It was all very filling but worth the price. (which wasn't much!)

I love trying out new things, if I see a candy I haven't yet tried and it looks interesting I will try it, the same goes for drinks. (which is how I got into Arizonas in the first place)

Disney Land
Oh my God. On top of having my number one dream come true in meeting Josh I get to go to Disney Land???!?!?! XD Anyway! I went! It was expensive but totally worth it. I went on Space Mountain, Star Tours, Indiana Jones, Horror Hotel, Astro Blasters, Splash Mountain, Mickey Mouse Ferris Wheel, Ariel's ride under the sea (LOL I forget the name D:) That's all I remember. But wowwwww amazing! I have not gone on anything other than a small rollercoaster at Lunar park in Sydney called the mouse coaster or something. It was lame. But these coasters I did go on were wow :333 I had a lot of fun!! I want to go again to try out the other rides but not sure if I want to pay the price :/

Josh isn't the type to go on rides since he doesn't find it enjoyable being scared to death XD But he did go on quite a few and we did get quite a few picutres together too :3..

upon entering Disney Land :3
From front to back: Kayley (sister), Jordan (sister's bf), Me, Stephen (Josh's dad) and no Josh isn't on this one XD
being cute.
Stephen!! Turn the camera around! What are you doing! LOL don't take it ugh whatever. We created a new pose.


After a long day, a very long day, we sat down and enjoyed a pretty light show.
My camera/I suck at taking photo's. But wow was that show pretty :3

Woot! Trick or Treating in the place where trick or treating all began! We left at around 7pm and came home at 9pm with our pillow cases half filled. A lot of people for the night wern't sure exactly what I was :l 
One Child: "Look!!! A kitty!!!" Me: Meoooow?
Another Child: "PUPPPPPY!!!!!" Me: D:.. sure kid :D.. :C

I guess I should show some pictures :3
Matching outfits. In fact he knew a few days before I was going as a cow and the week before Halloween he tells me he's going as a farmer XD So cute :3 the shirt he's wearing is one I bought for his birthday last year and sent over. Heh, I had a good night.. and here's the result of the night.
The majority of the candy here I've never had ROFL. So I have been trying as much as I can. There's just too much to try.. right now. I mean I've already eaten so much XD

I should also add I got to meet Josh's cousins today, Justin and Stephen. They were cool :3 I mean I've skyped with them many many times. Infact Justin more so then Stephen but they were very friendly and just well themselves xD 

Overall [Caution this could be lovey-dovey]
I'm getting tired.. can you tell? XD I have been cheating and putting lots of pictures up xD I could type more but yea, tired. I must say everything is really great. I am happy all the time, smiling constantly. Josh is everything I ever wanted. I'm happy to say that I really did this. I stuck to my heart, I went against many problems, many people trying to pull me down but I made it here and I have NEVER been happier. Do I regret a single thing? Nope. Not one single thing!

I'm getting so used to being here, it doesn't feel like I'm coming home, but unfortunately I have to. Actually I had a dream I think the first week? I had a dream Josh and I had a fight about something or other and I changed my ticket and went home and bought another ticket when I got over it which was like a week later. When I got to customs they told me I couldn't go because I had to wait another three months to go and travel again. When I woke up I was crying my eyes out but among the tears I saw Josh, he hugged me and told me everything was okay and asked what on earth I was dreaming of. I told him and he said not to worry at all.

Eh, I'm just such a lucky girl. He holds the door open for me, cooks if I ask for it, grabs things downstairs that I could get but he says he'll get it anyway, he pretty much will drop everything for me if I ask. Of course I'm not that high maintenance that I would. But he's so sweet. :3 Not just for all these things though. I mean, I fell in love with him through a computer screen, it's just amazing how polite and caring he is. Yes more so than I expected. 

I can't wait to share even more experiences with him over this next few months. I know this is going to be hard to leave, but for now I won't even think about it and enjoy every moment I have with him. Even if this all feels so natural right now :3

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