Monday 7 November 2011

To do

Rawr, not much has happened since we last spoke, just a couple of soccer games I watched him play and plenty of junk food eating. Overall probably not time well spent so I decided at twenty minutes to two in the morning to start googling and figure out what the heck I can do with Josh before my time is up. Not just tourist attractions but things to do with your boyfriend in general. You know? Movies, picnics etc etc. Also just the small things like.. kissing in the rain, Lady and the Tramp (Spaghetti scene heh. etc etc etc) So here goes my long long list of all the things I want to do with Josh before I leave. I want to at least get 50% of this done, although, I'm lazy. >__> BUT HERE GOES:

1. Watch the sunset/sunrise together.
2. Listen to classical music, whilst cuddling close in bed, in the dark. (Very do-able since he loves classical music!)
3. Kiss in the rain
4. Dress each other
5. Undress each other >X>
6. Find a secluded place and watch the stars with him (this will be hard since there is hardly any stars anywhere to be seen :C:C!!!!)
7. Sing him to sleep (I did this on skype, not so much in rl yet :X)
8. Go hiking and camp together (Not sure if I can even do this with him but I sure would like to!)
9. Spaghetti -lady and the tramp (hehe)
10. Go to the cinema to see a romantic movie
11. Hang out with his friends (well err friend aha :P)
12. Picnic
13. Swimming (even though it's cold and I've put on a little >_>)
14. Arcade
15. Paddle boats/Canoing/Kayaking (not sure how easy it is or expensive it is to do this, it is winter ;/)
16. Zoo (HAPPENING well I hope!!!!!)
17. Get a proper photo ID of him on my phone, and he one of me :3*
18. Cook Together (we have already cooked for one another ;p)
19. Bowling
20. Monopoly
21. Go to a Planetarium
VERY MUCH DISAGREE WITH THE STATEMENT "If you are under the age of 20 your risk of breaking up with your current boyfriend is in the 90th percentile. Think about that before you accept the responsibility that comes with having sex." Bullshit. Not every boy is a sex addicted cheater. 90% is way overboard. WAY. askdjadka *internet slaps person*
22. Miniature Golf
23. Finish an anime together*
24. Complete a puzzle together
25. Play hide and seek (I am childish as anything, I wonder if I can even get him to do this with me o.o)*
26. Watching the clouds and pointing out what could be shapes*
27. Play Nintendo with him
28. Tennis ( this could be fun ;o)
29. Play cards*
30. Aquarium (LOL at the amount of things they offered.. nawt.)

That is all I can muster up for now, I am tired and I have a tired boy on my shoulder. Good night Cathy.

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS SO CUTE. <3 I don't know why I didn't read this until now. :c
